Clarinet | Voice | Percussion
A Sputter Box performance is a captivating and unique experience from start to finish!
While only a trio (clarinet, voice, percussion), this ensemble can move from “mindfully constructed textures that are light as a feather, and then turn on a dime to explode into something practically orchestral without missing a beat” (Michael Genese). As the pioneers for this unique instrumentation, Sputter Box is committed to building a diverse and exciting repertoire. They perform interdisciplinary pieces involving sound, theater, movement, visual art, and improvisation. Sputter Box prioritizes intimate collaboration with music creators and artists from various disciplines through nontraditional composition approaches.
Sputter (plugs in the) Box
Up Next! Mark your calendars for Friday, December 13th at 7pm at JACK in Brooklyn. Sputter (PLUGS IN THE) Box is Sputter Box’s first concert with electronics and video projections, featuring premieres by composers DM R, Nolan Hildebrand, Kennedy Taylor Dixon, and Tania Cortés Becerra for bass clarinet, voice, percussion, electronics, and video art.
Princeton Sound Kitchen
Recently! Sputter Box premiered four new works on Tuesday, November 19th at Princeton University. Gemma Peacocke’s ‘A Strange Power’ is a 45-minute cantata about the tangled web of romance, free love, creation, and death in the early lives of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley and her step-sister, Claire Clairmont. The program also featured new works for the performers by Princeton University graduate student composers Aliayta Foon-Dancoes, Kennedy Taylor Dixon, and Onche Rajesh Ugbabe
CMA National Conference
Artist Showcase
Sputter Box has been selected as one of eleven ensembles for the 2025 Chamber Music America National Conference to perform in an Artist Showcase. The conference is in Houston, Texas at Rice University from February 13th-16th; Sputter Box performs on Friday the 14th. More information to come!
bac brooklyn arts fund grantee
Sputter Box’s upcoming inaugural electronics concert, Sputter (PLUGS IN THE) Box is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).
cma ensemble forward grantee
Sputter Box is honored to be one of Chamber Music America’s 2024 Ensemble Forward Grantees. We are spending this year with our amazing musical coach Lucy Shelton on exciting projects. We also have the pleasure of working with Erin Rogers as a career coach through the CMA EF Program.
Blackbird creative lab
Sputter Box was selected as one of three ensembles to work alongside Eighth Blackbird and seven composers to create new works to perform at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin in June 2024. We premiered works by Julia Moss and Aaron Israel Levin.
ICA Clarinet and Community Interview
Sputter Box sat down with the International Clarinet Association’s Berginald Rash and Sarah Manasreh to discuss building a chamber ensemble & community.
How they Met
After performing Sept Crimes de l’Amour by Georges Aperghis, Kathryn, Alina, & Peter established themselves as a clarinet, voice, percussion trio. You can watch their first performance below.
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